
Build Your Own Solar Panel System

The 2003 the Northeast blackout affected 45 million people in eight US states. Those using alternative sources of energy such as solar panels were able to benefit from their independence from the grid. No food going bad in refrigerators, no sitting in the dark for them. The Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank, has reported that electricity consumption and production have consistently expanded, resulting in an increased burden on a system not designed for such a large load, meaning that many people are turning to solar panels for security as well as financial and environmental reasons.

Solar power is a “green” and renewable power and doesn’t emit harmful carbon dioxide, which means it’s a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Close to 3000 pounds of CO2 per year can be saved by a typical home solar energy system, which works out to about 30 tons over its lifetime. These clean, green technologies will be the core of the next industrial revolution, according to Tony Juniper, Friends of the Earth director.

The use of solar power drastically reduces electricity costs, and this is one of the most common reasons for choosing it. Federal and state governments offer solar incentives, which help to offset the initial expenses of a solar energy system. The 2005 Energy Policy Act provides two ways to be given a solar energy tax credit from the federal government. Solar energy rebates are also offered by more than 50% of US states.

An average of 164 watts of solar power per square meter is delivered to the Earth’s crust by the sun. If we placed enough solar panels in the Sahara desert to cover just one percent of it, we could generate enough electricity to power the entire planet. This abundance of solar power means there’s more than we’ll ever need. But because the power sent out by the sun arrives as a mixture of light and heat, we can’t use it as it is to directly power a car or a computer. This is why solar panels were invented – to convert the sun’s power into a form we can use, like electricity.

Any extra electricity you create using your solar panels, if you’re attached to the grid, will be paid for by the utility company. Accounting for a solar energy system’s electricity production and enabling utilities to purchase excess energy from homeowners, net metering is allowed in 30 states. The most frequently used option is a single, reversible meter. As a solar energy system produces electricity, the kilowatts are used first to meet on-site energy demand. Excess electricity is then fed into the grid, turning the electric meter backwards, instead of being stored in a battery. The homeowner is credited for the extra kilowatts at the end of each metering period.

Excess electricity can be stored for use on days that are overcast. The ability to store excess electricity in batteries means you don’t need to be attached to the grid even for cloudy days. In stand alone solar power systems batteries are charged with surplus electricity for night-time use. The life cycle of a battery is what determines its suitability for use with solar cells. The amount of electricity required, along with the size of the battery, will determine the number of hours energy will last during periods of no sunlight.

How is solar power produced? To produce solar power, you’ll need a solar panel, which is composed of one or more solar cells. As sunlight falls onto a solar cell, the cell takes in light particles (called photons). Each photon contains power, and when soaked up, the photon releases an electron in the material of the solar cell. Electric wiring on both sides of the cell enable a flow of current as the photon is absorbed. Using this method, the solar cell produces electricity, which can be used immediately, or stored within a battery for future use.

Solar panels are made up of solar cells. An individual solar cell is not able to produce enough power for most purposes; therefore, several are joined in solar panels because of course, they create more electricity together. Solar panels are available in many types and sizes, the most typical of which produce as much as 50 W of electricity and consist of silicon solar cells. Interconnecting solar panels produce even more electricity.

A solar panel is a sizable flat, rectangular shape, usually somewhere between the dimensions of a radiator and a door. Power collectors, called solar cells, make up solar panels. A solar cell is usually 8-sided and blue-black in color, about the size of your palm. Just like the cells in a battery, these cells are intended to generate electricity. However, these cells use sunlight instead of chemicals to create electricity. Solar panels are also called photovoltaic panels (or PV panels), which comes from a combination of the Greek word for light, and electricity pioneer Alessandro Volta.

You may be curious about how sunlight is transformed into electricity. When the sun shines onto a solar cell, photons (light particles) are bombarded onto the upper surface of the cell. Each light particle then carries its energy down through the cell. The photons then transfer their power to electrons in the lower layer of the cell. The electrons use this energy to escape into the circuit by jumping the barrier into the upper layer. The movement of these electrons through the circuit generates the power for our lights and appliances.

Photovoltaic cells generate electricity from sunlight, but there are other methods for making solar energy. You can also get solar-thermal panels which heat water as opposed to creating electricity. Solar-thermal panels work differently than PV panels, and don’t involve electricity. Although they seem similar to solar panels, instead of light particles being grabbed by solar cells, solar thermal panels have black glass which absorbs the sun’s heat. Hot water is generated by directing water between the solar panels, heating it up as it goes, after which it is channeled into the water system and of course, comes out of the faucets as hot water.

It’s incredible to think that the power transmitted by the sun in just one hour, is more than the whole world uses in a year. Designing (or redesigning) a building to take advantage of sunlight and heat is using passive solar power. This can be achieved by adding more insulation to your roof, or installing an extra south-facing window. Any “passive” adjustments like these would be installed either when the house is initially built, or during major renovation. Adding solar panels or other sunlight collectors would be referred to as active solar energy.

Any form of light that hits solar panels can be transformed to solar power, which means that even on gray days they can still create some power. You can receive back-up energy (for example at night) in one of two ways. One is that you can apply to be connected to the grid in the regular way, so that this acts as a back-up supply for when your solar panels are not operating as would be the case after dark. The other option is storing additional electricity from your solar panels in batteries which will then power your appliances and lights during hours of darkness.

In this environment of global warming and diminishing oil resources, it makes turn our awareness to natural and renewable resources. Solar power systems have become the most widespread source of renewable energy due to the fact that they make no clatter and manufacture no pollutants. Fitting photovoltaic (solar) panels while continuing to be connected to the grid is the most common method of changing to solar power. Any added electricity generated by the solar system is then fed into the grid. In this way the household can get paid for additional electricity produced, and can also acquire electricity at night.

Water bills can be cut by 50 to 70 % by using a first-rate solar water panel system. Apart from the evident environmental benefits of solar power, it makes financial sense. By combining both solar water panel and PV panel systems you can save even more. Installation costs for solar energy systems are high, although there are different grants available to help finance solar technology. A much more reasonably priced option is to assemble your own solar panels.

Traditional fuel sources are proving to be more tricky and costly to use, meaning an expansion in the value of solar power. Considering global warming and pollution it’s apparent that traditional energy sources will no longer be viable. Renewable power sources, by definition, are limitless, unlike fossil fuel. As renewable energy technology continues to mature and the prices of accepted power sources rise, solar technology is starting to become more affordable.

Environmentally aware Hollywood celebrities, such as Cate Blanchett and Orlando Bloom, have taken their commitment further than recycling and driving hybrid cars. These actors have switched to using solar panels and other renewable power sources in their homes, slashing their energy use. Johnny “Captain Jack Sparrow” Depp’s island in the Bahamas is to be powered by solar power rather than environmentally unfriendly generators. “Dallas” star, Larry Hagman has saved $24,000 per year by switching to solar power, taking his electricity bill from $37,000 to a mere $13,000 a year.

Actor, Edward Norton was so inspired by the solar panels installed in his own house that he created a program, in partnership with BP, to provide solar energy systems to lower income households in the LA area. Through the BP Solar Neighbors program a free solar system is offered to a low income household each time a celebrity buys one. An outstanding idea, the project has already had some of the best of Hollywood talent participating in it, including Owen Wilson, Alicia Silverstone and Will Ferrell. This project is probably contributing to the 30% annual growth of BP’s solar division.

Around 50% the world’s power supply will come from sustainable energy sources within the next 30 years according to forecasts from Shell. A great sustainable energy project is being shared by some of the top global corporations, including Total, General Electric and BP. The recent BP oil spill disaster has turned the world’s attention to the increasing demand for alternative sources of energy and has increased public interest in solar energy as well as other renewable sources of power. The serious consequences of the oil spill have resulted in a substantial reshuffle of investment priorities, with American energy marketing campaigns placing a lot more focus on sustainable sources of power.

The United States is by far the major energy consumer in the world. 25% of the world’s power consumption is by the US – even though it accounts for only 5% of the entire population of the earth. A 100mw solar energy plant in Israel will provide more than 200,000 people with electricity, and they have plans to build an even bigger plant in the future – a 500mw plant. The world’s largest solar electricity system can be found in Bavaria, while around 1/2 of solar panels manufactured worldwide are used in Japan. When looking at these facts we can see how far America has to go in order to make the most of solar energy.

If you switch to using solar panels for your house, there are 2 aspects to the financial benefits. Using solar energy firstly means lower electricity bills. Second, if you stay connected to the grid, you’ve got the option to sell excess electricity to the utility company. With installation costs still being very high, the typical residential solar power system takes around 18 months to have paid for itself – although making your own solar panels is a less expensive option.

Many more individuals are creating their own solar panels now than ever before. Since solar system installation costs are still very high DIY solar panels are fast becoming popular. And the process is easier than you may think. DIY solar panels can be safe and highly effective if created and installed using a good instruction guide. Certainly, creating your own solar panels saves the initial installation costs which means the savings are even greater in the long run.

Property value can be increased by the addition of solar panels. According to HUD, for every $1,000 you save in annual utility bills the value of your home rises by $20,000. A house which is energy efficient is of great value in the eyes of a potential buyer. In addition to the other benefits, a solar system means a home has a back-up system during electricity blackouts. A home-buyer knows that if they buy a house with a solar power system installed, they are also buying peace of mind – knowing that during any power outages they will be unaffected.

Installing panels on a roof that faces east or west will still work – you don’t have to have a south-facing roof. Another effective option is the ground-mounted solar system placed in a flat, un-shaded area. A pole, cemented into the ground holds the solar panel in place. Batteries which have been charged with any surplus electricity produced by the solar panels during the day can provide energy overnight.

Solar panels will still work with a roof that faces east or west and are not reliant on a south/north one. Another effective option is the ground-mounted solar system placed in a flat, un-shaded area. A pole, fixed into the ground with cement holds the solar panel in place. Your overnight energy can come either from the grid – if you’re still connected – or from batteries which have been charged with excess electricity from your solar system during the day.


Solar Power – The Green Source of Energy

Solar Power, a renewable source of energy, is one of the most available sources on Earth. However, being an intermittent source of energy, it needs to be enhanced by storage or another energy source. Even though solar energy systems nowadays still have low average efficiencies, due to modern technology, research is being put into developing high-efficient and low-cost systems daily. Using solar energy is beneficial because it allows a more environmentally friendly or a “greener” way of living. It is also a freely available resource, which is one of its many advantages as once installed and does not cost more than the cost of setting up and routine maintenance.

Concentrating Solar Energy Systems such as “Stirling Disks” are large solar power plants that use modern technologies to convert light energy into useful electric energy. A direct technology of using solar energy involves the usage of Photovoltaics, which is a system is directed for small appliances and homes.

Solar Power Information

It is important to know of some information about solar power before purchasing it. The definition of solar power is “energy systems that produce energy directly from sunlight”. It is the conversion of sunlight to electricity. Most of our energy resources are anyway indirect forms of solar energy. Without the sun, the wind would not blow. Additionally, the sun causes evaporation of water which results in water collecting up in rivers after condensation. This water is used for hydro electrical power. Without the sun, water would be eternally locked in a solid state: ice. Moreover, bio-fuels cannot exist without the sun as well. If you were to go more into depth it is also the sun that allows life, which in turn, would provide fossil fuels. An essential fact about solar energy is that it is a renewable source of energy as sunlight could be used any time.

Solar power is transmitted directly by “photovoltaics” (PV), or indirectly with “concentrating solar power (CSP). Photovoltaics are used to power small to medium sized equipment such as calculators to off-grid homes. CSP involves two methods: the first method is to simply boil water which is then used for providing power; the second and more complicated method entails technology such as the sterling engine dishes which use a sterling cycle engine to power a generator. Another detail to keep in mind that even though installation of solar power is costly, this cost has decreased significantly over the past couple of years making it affordable for almost everyone. Furthermore, small solar applications are also being used to replace other sources in the developing world. Since solar power is a renewable source of energy, this means you can pay up front for the next twenty years or so of energy. However, non-renewable energy sources are purchased as consumed.


Solar Power Efficiency

So how efficient is solar energy in reality? Research states that the current photovoltaic conversion efficiency is about 15% and improving day by day! Additionally, some experimental models are yielding over 40% efficiencies! This shows that solar energy is becoming more superior than what is was about twenty years ago. Solar panel efficiencies are averaged at 20%. However, do not be discouraged. The most advanced solar energy systems are estimated to have an average of 40% efficiencies. However, when converting the resulting electricity (from solar energy) into light the efficiency does reduce by 15%.

Thus, solar panels do have a reduced efficiency when it comes to lighting up our homes. Nevertheless, the most proficient way of making most of solar energy is to utilize as much direct sunlight through day light and passive solar heating technologies and also use the highest efficiency solar panels for the rest of our energy requirements. High efficiency solar cells are a type of solar cell that averages the highest efficiencies in comparison to standard solar cells. Even though solar power systems generally still have low average efficiencies, a lot of research is being put into developing high-efficient and low-cost systems daily.

The Advantages of Solar Energy Technology in Your Life

Even though solar energy does have its downsides, such as intermittency, where it has to be combined with a form of storage or another source of energy, it still has many advantages to it. Such advantages include reliability, cost, environmental friendliness, aesthetics, and sustainability. Solar energy, for one, is more reliable than wind power and hydro power. This is because the sun will continue to rise for the next 4 billion years without fail, whereas, wind and water might not be available daily. In cases such as during the night and cloudy nights, where solar power is not useful the problems are eased as intermittency is 100% predictable. Furthermore, another advantage of solar power is that although clouds diminish solar power it does not eliminate it.

One essential advantage of solar collectors is that they require minimum maintenance one installed and also provides free energy. Additionally, although solar cells do wear out, their lifespan is measured in decades. The durability of photovoltaic cells improves year by year. More importantly, even though solar cells have been an expensive method of generating electricity, this cost is reducing per kilowatt per year. In addition, solar cells also operate cheaply after installation. Furthermore, solar power has its advantages when it comes to environmental friendliness. Nowadays, everyone is going “green” in order to conserve and protect our earth. Solar power is an efficient way of going green, since it produces zero pollution.

Solar powered generators are known not to even produce any noise! Moreover, even though solar energy requires a lot of space, space that is found on rooftops of existing structures is more than enough to produce an adequate amount of solar energy without occupying any extra land area. One of the advantages of solar power is that it is estimated that our earth is continually flooded with 175 trillion Kilowatts of solar power per day. This means that there is an extraordinarily reliable annual energy supply of 1,530,000 Terrawatt hours daily. On the other hand, resources such as oil, coal, gas, nuclear power and wood produce 15 times LESS than this. So presuming that the sun is going to keep on shining for another estimated 4 billion years, solar power is a highly sustainable resource.

However, you might be discouraged by the look of many solar cells. Do not worry. Due to the advantage of modern technology photovoltaic cells are becoming available in many colours such as black or brown, to match roof top colours. Additionally, how often is it that we would look at the rooftops of a house anyway?

Solar Power and its Benefits

This renewable source of energy has many benefits. This is the reason it is being advertised increasingly due to the combination of modern technology and simple sunlight. So what makes solar power beneficial to our lives? Well most importantly, since solar power is intermittent it is not advisable to run a solar power system in areas with low sunlight level. It is helpful to have a backup system in the events that the sun does not shine for a few days. However, on the good side, if there is a power outage you will still have electricity if you run on solar power. If more energy is required simply add more solar panels.

Solar energy is useful because it can be used for many day to day tasks, such as heating water, drying clothes, powering attic fans and small appliances, produce lighting for both the indoors and outdoors of a building, and better yet power cars! Additionally when using solar energy, you eliminate the cost of foreign and other sources of energy in your home. Even better, utility companies might buy that extra energy from you if you solar power system produces more energy than you require.

A further benefit of solar power is that gas or power grids are not required to run solar power systems, so even if the installation is initially expensive, running the system does not cost a thing! Another vital benefit to keep in mind is that solar power technology is constantly improving in an effort to decrease cost and increase efficiency. Using solar power is beneficial because it allows a more environmentally friendly or a “greener” way of living with zero pollution. It is also a freely available resource, which is one of its many advantages as once installed , it does not cost more than the cost of setting up and routine maintenance.

Solar Power Technology

Due to the rapid improvement in solar technology lately many homes are solely dependent on solar power globally. This leads to the question of how solar energy is put to use. It is claimed that most solar systems can collect heat created by sunlight striking an object. An example of this is to simply concentrate light with mirrors or lenses to produce enough heat to start a fire. This indirect method of producing solar power is known as “Concentrating Solar Power” (CSP). As briefly mentioned earlier, CSP systems use the simple technology of lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. The consequential heat is then used as the heat source for a conventional power plant. The “Parabolic Trough” and the “Stirling Dish” are two examples of concentrating technologies. In all concentrating solar power systems a working fluid is heated by the concentrated sunlight.

It is then used for either power generation or energy storage. Furthermore, it is important to provide the continuous availability of energy since solar energy is not available during the night. Since solar power is an intermittent energy source, all available energy made available should be taken when available, stored, or transported via transmission lines to where it can be used. In storage solar energy is stored at high temperatures using molten salts. These molten salts have low-cost, high specific heat capacity and can distribute heat at temperatures compatible with conventional power systems. This expertise helps increase efficiency of the system.

A direct method of solar technology involves the “Photoelectric Effect”. It was in 1839 that Edmund Becquerel discovered the technique of producing an electric current in a solid material using sunlight. Once this method developed it was found out that photoelectric or photovoltaic effects caused certain materials to switch light energy to electrical energy at an atomic level. The Photoelectric Effect uses the simple method of reflecting, absorbing or direct pass of light. However, it is only the absorbed light that actually generates electricity.

Hopefully this information should be useful if you are considering using solar power as an energy source for your home. Just remember even though there are certain disadvantages to think about, the number of advantages outweigh the number of disadvantages. These disadvantages can be improved vastly as technology improves. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that solar powered appliances have vastly changed for the better when compared to ten years ago.

Keep in mind that solar energy systems are suitable in regions with a lot of available sunlight. So do not opt out to get a solar panel system unless you are completely sure of the surroundings. Again, as suggested earlier, it is best to have an alternate energy source in case of low availability of sunlight. Although solar power is an energy source that has only been recently utilized, it might just become the most crucial energy source of the future.


Important Facts About Solar Panel Rebates

Presently solar panel rebates have become popular incentives for residential and commercial electricity users to begin using solar energy. It’s known that energy generated from solar panel systems definitely is one of the most green and ecologically friendly sources of energy; however it was actually the significant cost of solar panels, associated components, and setup costs that limited its use. Several years back this predicament started shifting when costs of solar panel systems began decreasing considerably. Combined with plummeting hardware costs are the federal, state and local incentives which have made solar power an economically feasible option. Not surprising, lots of residential and commercial building owners are going solar in large amounts.

Incentives for solar power can be found in the form of financial incentives, loans, exemptions, tax write-offs, rebates, and tax breaks. Solar incentives can be found at three government levels – federal, state and regional. From the federal government, a tax credit for 30% is available for solar energy system installment. A solar tax credit is usually offered for photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, solar powered water heaters, and additional technologies that rely on solar energy. For solar water heating systems, a maximum of $2000 is available. To receive the federal rebate, your solar water heating installation must be approved by SRCC (Solar Rating and Certification Corporation) or an equivalent level government agency. Only places where half of the residence’s water is heated with solar power are able to get this rebate. Homeowners who produce extra credit will be able to carry it ahead to the next tax year.

Each state offers several forms of solar panel rebates. Regardless of whether it’s sunny California or Vermont, every state has their own rules and regulations regarding incentive calculation and qualification conditions. Normally, states handle these types of rebates and incentives through an alternative energy fund. Anybody that would like to install a solar power system and collect the solar tax exemption will have to fill out an application with the government agency which controls this fund. In nearly all cases, a sales tax exemption of as high as 100% is available with designated solar energy systems that conform with the tax rebate qualifying standards as set by the state.

Solar energy incentives are also provided by local municipalities to homeowners and companies. Such rebates substantially decrease the cost of solar panels. Each municipality earmarks funds for its own alternative energy promotions. This fund is used to supply incentives to residential and business owners that install solar energy systems. Certain regions provide incentives just for selected solar powered products, like water heating systems. These details have to be reviewed prior to setting up solar panels. This will definitely assist you to decide on the most beneficial option and get the best solar panel rebate available.

Other incentives are additionally presented as solar panel grants by way of the renewable energy fund. These types of programs are accessible to householders, residential building owners, non-profit establishments, and individuals that have a low income. In some situations, as an alternative to a direct rebate or cash incentive, the particular local government provides property tax incentives. Within this type of package, a property owner is able to pay a reduced tax for the property. Depending on the local municipality’s tax incentive, a property owner might be able to get a tax break of roughly 5-10% of the overall investment incurred on the solar power system.

It must be pointed out that only the solar power systems which comply with the particular energy certification standards established by the government energy rating agencies fall under the particular exemption and incentive guidelines. Prior to buying any sort of solar energy system, it is essential for the buyers to check out the energy rating specifics and whether or not the system is eligible for the incentives. Solar panel rebates are accessible by every homeowner or place of business in the United States provided that the system and installment is in accordance with the incentive rules and regulations.

If it turns out that after installment of the solar energy system, it is realized that the system isn’t entitled for any rebate or incentive then it will be expensive. Such a scenario can come up simply because the buyer neglected to bear in mind some technical information or specific policies. This type of situation may be prevented by checking out the issue before investing in any solar powered device. Within a number of states for instance California, special regulations mandate that each individual electrical utility company operating in the state to give incentives to property owners for buying, putting in and implementing solar energy. This is why, the incentive is available it doesn’t matter which power utility is delivering the electric service.

In a number of instances the cost of solar panels is further lowered because the manufactures also had been given some type of incentive plan. Add that to the incentives and rebates given to individuals by federal, state and local governments, and it gets to be a quite attractive proposition to set up a solar power system. It is imperative to keep in mind that, in most scenarios, only one type of government incentive can be received. What this means is, a person is unable to receive rebates provided by the federal, state and local governments for the same solar power system. On the other hand, in a number of scenarios, this is actually possible depending on the guidelines, policies and regulations within a specific region. Ultimately, even federal incentives can rely on the state where the customer is claiming the incentive. It’s a good idea to consult with a solar panel rebates specialist to make sure you know about all the choices available.

These types of details can be checked out on the websites associated with government departments that offer incentives for solar powered system installation. You’ll find numerous factors that have an effect on an applicant’s eligibility. For instance, solar panel rebates are given only after the verifying officer has inspected and certified installation of the solar panel system. When calculating the rebate, the owner’s income and property value also can be evaluated. It is imperative to check these particular issues well before spending any money on buying solar panel systems.

Falling hardware costs in conjunction with federal, state and local rebates and incentives are making solar energy systems a much more financially feasible option. Are you looking for more information about finding available solar panel rebates [] in your region? Simply click to check out how minimal the cost of solar panels [] could end up being for you.