What We Do

Assuming you need to build your organization’s productivity in UAE and give steady execution and quality, you will be keen on getting more familiar with Project Delivery System.

we accept the essential dreams that change associations frequently rise up out of experiences discovered profound inside the subtleties. We look past the surface, cooperating with our customers and their partners to comprehend the business at each level, including the monetary and functional essentials that support achievement and set out freedom.


Project Management Process

Project management begins with planning to achieve a goal. Many questions about a project must be considered before the project even begins:

  • Why is the project being initiated?
  • What problem is being solved?
  • Who are the project’s stakeholders? (The stakeholders are the “customers” of the project as well as anyone else that may be impacted.)
  • How does the project fit in with the organization’s goals and priorities?
  • When is the target date of completion for the project?

Our Methodologies

Traditional Project Management:

The traditional approach to project management is based on sequential steps. It has evolved to handle projects that clearly state
a need, target date, and cost. The steps may vary by individual organization and usually include:


Our Critical Chain Management:

We identify physical and human resource limitations, so that we get priority to the longest sequence of tasks with resource

Extreme Project Management:

Based on the frequent change and uncertainty, we only use this for projects with high stakes and short deadlines. Extreme projects place emphasis on innovation and quality of life. Requirements can change rapidly. The focus is less on templates and more on leadership.

Our Agile Way

We are a diversified and innovative company always creating and seeking for new ways to run anything that is related to business; that is to say agile project management, often used in software development. Our emphasis is placed on an integrated team of developers, managers, quality assurance, and customers and open communication is a key to its effectiveness.

We also based on Process

A strategic form of project management that is driven by the vision, mission, and values of a business, project-based management has six stages:

We oversee Event-Chain

Our experience and skills are utilized to recognize that certain risks are taken in project management and that could delay or speed up outcomes. Scenarios for time-related processes can be determined by modeling these uncertainties. We use this method to determine if a chain of events could be triggered by a specific task and plan to avoid or achieve that process.

Some criteria to consider when selecting project management services include:​

The type of project and deadline are vital to kicking off the project management process.

The organization’s industry or the product can help determine the best project management methodology.

The ability of the project manager is an important consideration since he or she drives project management process.

Benefits Realized Methodology

Smaster basis on looking at potential outcomes and defining the measure of their potential benefits. A quantitative basis is used to make decisions in this methodology. Plans are reviewed and implemented keeping the investment in mind.




Traditional (Waterfall)



Critical Chain
























Benefits Realized



Project Managers

Our project managers have a decade of experience & skills in  planning and executing a project. They lead a team in all aspects of management and responsible for delegating tasks. 

  • Develope the project plan effectively.
  • High management of stakeholders and team.
  • Adequate scheduling and proper budget management
  • High risk assesment.
  • Proficiency in handling conflict.


A to Z Business Start-up Project

We conduct market research. Market research will tell you if there’s an opportunity to turn your idea into a successful business. Write your business plan.  Pick your business location. Choose a business structure. Choose your business name.  Register your business. Get federal and state tax IDs registration, Get a license and permits for your business. and Open a business bank account.

Institutional strengthening

In this provides Technical, Legislative, Social, Economic, on the Job training and capacity-building programs. Smaster Dubai also has both off-the-self and custom-made programs to satisfy the need of all Clients.

Project Management
Project management is the use of specific knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to deliver something of value to people.
Design Management
Plan the executives includes the continuous cycles, business choices, and procedures that empower development and make viably planned items, administrations, interchanges, conditions, and brands that upgrade our personal satisfaction and give authoritative achievement.
Construction Management
Development the board is an expert assistance that gives a task’s proprietor successful administration of the venture’s timetable, cost, quality, wellbeing, extension, and capacity.
Resource Planning
Asset the board is the act of preparation, booking, and distributing individuals, cash, and innovation to an undertaking or program. Basically, it is the method involved with designating assets to accomplish the best hierarchical worth.


Business Start-up projects

Expenditure within Budget

Interior Design


Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing

Construction Management

Manufacturing project

Research Projects

Avaris Compound Mock-Up Apartments
Avaris Complex
URC Sales Center
High Class Marinas
Al-Sweideiah Oil Field Development Project
New Nodal Gas Compression & Separation

5 Steps to simplified your company processes


Guide your organization's standard working strategies.


Characterize each progression all the while and recognize chiefs.


Allot rules, spans and rationale to each assignment.


Join normalized documents, structures and guidelines.


Mechanize the whole Workflow measure.

Delivering on our purpose

We’re an international engineering, control, and development consultancy. Our purpose is to improve society with the aid of thinking about social consequences in everything we do, relentlessly that specialize in excellence and virtual innovation, transforming our customers’ organizations, our communities, and employment opportunities.

Our specialists are changing fates in non-industrial countries and working on the forefronts of destitution and pandemics. It enhances our kin to help other people most out of luck.

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